
If you are a business person — whether you run a public company or a sole proprietorship — you need lawyers whose advice you can trust, and who consistently come up with practical, strategic solutions to help you accomplish your goals. We have served as trusted advisers to business people for decades. We believe our clients’ loyalty is due in large part to the following approach:

  • Identify Your Goals
    You and your lawyers need to identify your goals. For example, if you are thinking of acquiring another company, is it important to you to obtain all of the company’s assets, or is the real goal merely to acquire certain key assets, such as a particular parcel of land, or maybe a key employee, or customer service contracts? Identifying your goals, and doing so clearly, helps to ensure that you take the steps necessary to achieve them — and avoid wasting time, effort and money on anything else.Taking another example, if your company has been sued, is your goal simply to make this particular lawsuit go away ASAP? Or is your goal to avoid encouraging other potential plaintiffs from filing similar lawsuits in the future? By identifying your short-term and long-term goals, you and your lawyers are more likely to achieve them, and do so efficiently.
  • Weigh Your Alternatives
    You and your lawyers need to evaluate, in advance, the costs and benefits of any given course of action. You don’t want some lawyer who just tells you what to do. Rather, you need lawyers who will identify your alternatives and spell out the pros and cons. That will enable you to make informed decisions, not just decisions.
  • Step Into The Other Guys’ Shoes
    On the other side of any transaction or lawsuit, there is someone facing his or her own goals, constraints, deadlines, budget and other issues. You want a lawyer who helps you evaluate not just the risks and rewards you face, but also those that your opposite number faces. A good business lawyer will help you to use the other side’s interests to improve your situation.
  • Use Specialists When Warranted. 
    Some lawyers specialize in narrow areas of the law, such as patents, Social Security and Immigration. Depending on your particular situation, it may be more cost-effective to turn to one of these specialists than to have your usual attorneys come up to speed in that field. The lawyers on whom you rely for general advice should never hesitate to help you find a specialist when doing so can help you achieve your goals more efficiently.

We understand the tremendous challenges that business people face every day — especially in this economy — in dealing with customers, vendors, employees, competitors, investors, lenders and governmental officials.

We can help. Let’s talk about how we can help boost your bottom line and deliver some peace of mind.

To talk with us, please hit reply to schedule a Get Acquainted Call or Initial Case Evaluation.