Act now… It’s not merely a sales pitch used by eager marketers and retailers. It is prudent advice to those who have pending legal claims against would be defendants. Wait too long to enforce your rights, and your delay could have unwelcome consequences. Sitting on your rights for too long may be considered both unreasonable and unfair resulting in prejudice to your adversary. The upshot—the relief you seek could be altogether lost. Delay and prejudice make for a bad combination. Ask yourself this: Would a reasonable person in your position have acted sooner? Consider your evidence. When too much time passes, important evidence tends to get away from you. Memories fade. Witnesses are gone. At trial, judges do not look favorably on reconstruction testimony when actual evidence of what occurred was once available and could have been provided but for someone’s unnecessary delay. Your legal claim indeed may have been meritorious at one time, and you may be certain you deserve justice. As Clint Eastwood’s William Money in Unforgiven once so eloquently put it, “Deserve ain’t got nothing to do with it.” Fairness runs a 2-way street. If you have grappled with a legal claim that you’re not sure how to handle, we can put things into perspective and help you decide what should be done. Put our experience to work for you. Schedule a Get Acquainted Call.