The Benefits of Long-Term Attorney-Client Relationships

The relationship between an attorney and their client is paramount. At Hamlin | Cody, we emphasize the importance of nurturing long-term attorney-client relationships. These relationships are built on trust, communication, and a thorough understanding of the client’s goals and needs. The benefits of such relationships are manifold, contributing to more efficient representation and significant cost […]


Hidden Challenges in Property Acquisition: Billboards and Foreclosures

At Hamlin | Cody, we understand the complexities of property acquisition. Tax sales and foreclosures can offer attractive opportunities, but factors like existing billboard structures require special attention. This article explores the intricacies of acquiring property with a billboard and emphasizes the importance of due diligence for a smooth transaction. Billboard Easements  CA Revenue and […]


Does Your Billboard Lease Leave You in the Dark?

At Hamlin | Cody, we prioritize clarity in legal documents. Recently, we reviewed two billboard leases that highlight the importance of precise lease terms, particularly regarding the ownership of billboards at the end of the lease. Our experienced California billboard attorneys help clients navigate these complexities to protect their rights. Typical Billboard Lease Arrangements In […]


Navigating Conflict in Business Negotiations

Navigating Conflict in Business Negotiations Navigating conflict in business negotiations, particularly in California, requires a nuanced approach due to the state’s unique legal landscape and business environment. At Hamlin | Cody, we understand the tremendous challenges that business people face every day — especially in this economy — in dealing with customers, vendors, employees, competitors, […]