If you are a property owner and rent or lease your property, you may have had the experience of choosing a tenant. Sometimes we are strapped for time, or we just don’t think we need to do the extra work involved in properly vetting a prospective tenant. A clear majority of people are honest, hard […]
Read more...Category: Estate Law
Updating Your Estate Plan When You Are Getting Divorced
Separating or divorcing your spouse is an emotional process that drastically changes your life. You could be settling into a new place to live or getting another job. Your focus is on the next chapter of your life and with that, you should also consider how your estate plan needs to change. Failure to update […]
Read more...Why Maintaining Your Trust Is So Important
Many of us know that a trust is a great estate planning tool. When used correctly, a trust will enable you to leave your estate to your loved ones, without the time and expense of going through the probate process. The problem is however, many people have a trust created but may not have been […]
Read more...Why You Need an Estate Planning Lawyer
We get a lot of questions about estate planning in our practice. You may be wondering if you need an estate plan, or are completely confused as to how the process works. Perhaps you have an estate plan, but an issue has arisen, or you have received an inheritance and are now facing a problem […]