When it comes to leasing land for a billboard, it’s crucial to understand that the fate of your billboard may be tied to the lease terms. Specifically, if you allow a lease to expire without removing your billboard, it could potentially become a permanent fixture considered part of the real estate. In this blog, we […]
Read more...Category: Billboard Law
Considering a Billboard for Your Property? Ask Yourself These Key Questions.
Why do you want a billboard? If it is because you want a sign to advertise your own business, then it's not likely a billboard that you seek. It's an on-premises sign. Typically, billboards advertise businesses, products, and services that occur somewhere other than where the billboard is located. On the other hand, if you […]
Read more...Three Reasons Why It’s Important to Detail Improvements in a Billboard Lease
Billboards have been a part of the American scenery for over a century, continually evolving and changing. They have progressed from the pastoral paintings of corn on barns to the dazzling LED displays of Times Square. Despite the evolution of advertising, billboards have remained a steadfast and ubiquitous presence. When it comes to leasing a […]
Read more...Protecting Your Right to be Seen: Out-of-Home Advertising and Roadways
OOH Through the Ages Out-of-home (OOH) advertising dates back to the earliest civilizations. By World War II, roadside signs had become ubiquitous, and advertisers sought out more creative ways to grab drivers’ attention. In speaking with jurors in eminent domain cases, we learned that roughly 25% of people like billboards. About 50% think they are […]
Read more...3 Considerations When Leasing Land for a Billboard
Billboards can be used to promote and market your own business, or rented to others to promote and market their businesses. While you can build your own billboard, there’s more to it than installing a sign. If you want to rent the use of the billboard to others, you will have the same issues as […]
Read more...A Trip Down Memory Lane—a.k.a. Sunset Strip
I was born and raised in LA. My roots are firmly planted here and that’s unlikely to ever change. I have raised two kids here and by my estimation, their roots run just as deep. Growing up the daughter of a single mother, we moved a lot. But before college, I never lived east of […]
Read more...10 Essentials in a Billboard Easement Agreement
Have billboard law questions? Check out our 7 FAQs if You Have a Billboard on Your Property. In the same way that a utility company has an easement to run cables or power lines across a private property, a company or individual can permit the construction and display of a billboard on a property. In […]
Read more...Due Diligence When Buying Property With Billboards
Buying property can involve a lot of twists and turns. When a billboard exists on a property the sale has an added layer of complexity that must be thoroughly investigated. When we work with clients interested in real estate with billboards, no part of the process is more important than completing due diligence. Due diligence […]
Read more...What is a Confiscatory Business License Tax? How Does it Affect Your Billboard Lease?
Similar to any business endeavor, governments impose taxes on billboard operators. While the tax is normal, some taxes can be confiscatory and designed to regulate business instead of raising revenue. There are over 400,000 billboards spread throughout the country. While each billboard uniquely markets a particular product or service, all billboards are subject to federal, […]
Read more...Billboard Lease Basics
At Hamlin Cody, our Billboard lawyers have extensive experience handling transactions and litigation concerning billboards and other forms of outdoor and out-of-home advertising. There are an estimated 368,000 billboards across the country. Over the years, we have represented billboard companies and people who lease their land to billboard companies. Whatever your status, it is important […]